What do you know about an ambulance? An ambulance is not just a vehicle with ambulance sirens, flashing red and blue lights and a life threatening situation in it. The ambulance facilities are part of a community or state in delivering world class health facilities to the people of that particular community. The Dazzle ambulance manufactures are good at manufacturing the basic and advanced life support ambulances with the complete facilities and comfort. The transfer by an ambulance may be due to some emergency or a non – emergency and it may be a transfer from a town to another town or may be a facility out of the state. Thus the life support system should be manufactured in such a way to meet all the needs of the services. The Dazzle, the leading manufacturer and vehicle conversion team in UAE, is good at compiling all your emergency needs inside the emergency vehicle. Thus, having a lot of satisfied customers inside the UAE, and other parts of the world. The ...